Wild Mushrooms
Wild Mushrooms
We are nature enthusiasts who love everything nature has to offer. I teach my children to admire, appreciate, observe, protect and honor Mother Earth. I am a earth sign, so is Gabriel, grounding within nature is something that is needed by my mind and body. For Gabriel, it always calms him down stepping outside. Scarlett is a air sign and like her daddy can spot the smallest detail from far away, like a bird stalking or hunting for food. She's always the first one to spot the most beautiful things. One of our obsessions is...MUSHROOMS! They are simply fascinating. We have done a lot of research to identify the different types we spot on our nature walks. Here you go...
Volvariella volvacea-
"Patty Straw Mushroom"
*Be cautious because these are easily confused with the Death Caps, which are extremely deadly*
Cantharellus cibarius-
*Be cautious they are easily confused with Jack-o-lanterns which are toxic*
Chlorophyllum molybdites
"Green spored parasol"
*Be cautious they are easily confused with puff balls*
Larger Versions
They are TOXIC!!
Grifola frondosa
"Maitake mushrooms"
-grow at the base of hardwood
Ganoderma lucidum
-grows at the base of hardwood
False Morels
*Extremely toxic*
This is what we have found and researched so far. Leave questions or comments. We would love more information or tips!
Words to live by
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