Back to School Shopping
Back to School Shopping
Homeschool Edition!
What we bought at Target:
*The reason why we shopped at Target was because my husband works there and we get a discount*
**Bonus for shopping this weekend its tax free on school supplies and clothing statewide**
- United States Workbook (social studies req.) $1
- Reading Readiness Workbook (reading req.) $1
- Phonics I & II Workbook (language req.) $2
- Subtraction & Addition Workbook (math req.) $2
- Lapboard with Dry Erase Markers and Eraser $5
- Elmers School Glue $1
*Keep in mind this was tag price, doesn't include our discounts*
These workbooks are a supplement to the 4 req. subjects in Scarlett's curriculum: Social Studies, Reading, Phonics, Math. For us they would be acting as "homework" aside from her daily lessons. One thing I can not stand about "school shopping" is the waste that goes along with it. Think about all the paper wasted...all the pencils that get lost, broken, unused...all the plastic wrapping to these school supplies going straight to the trash! To eliminate most of the standard waste that comes along with school shopping we decided to buy a dry erase board. Now, the reason why we bought glue...crafts of course!! It is simply to get us started, I know there are ways to make glue from scratch and we will definitely be doing that! For Scarlett's Art requirements we will be doing lots of crafting and experimenting with different mediums later on in the year. For now we already have crayons and colored pencils as well as a sketchbook. We are attempting to go a more minimalistic route when it comes to buying school supplies. When it comes down to Science we will approach it first by analyzing whether or not we need to buy supplies to begin our experiments. This is what we consider: Do we need it now? Do we already have that at home? Can we make it? Can we we repurpose other items? These are also skills that I want to teach Scarlett now to help her become more resourceful.
*Please bare with me, I don't mean any offense to anyone who does not agree with me, but I simply want people to understand where we are coming from.*
We live in a modern world with technology, if I want to save any of Scarlett's work I can simply take a picture and save everything digitally. Also, Scarlett gets gratification from erasing her work and starting over fresh. It helps her stay motivated to keep trying, knowing that where she is today with writing doesn't mean she will be there tomorrow. Overall, the reason we support homeschooling so much is to ensure Scarlett gains the confident, patience, and motivation that encourages her to challenge herself to learn more at her own pace and in her own way. She is very much so an independent learner who always seeks to find new ways to learn something or further understand a subject.
That's all for today everyone, be sure to subscribe to stay update with our homeschooling adventure!! Have a great Saturday everyone!
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