
Wild Mushrooms

Wild Mushrooms In Oklahoma  We are nature enthusiasts who love everything nature has to offer. I teach my children to admire, appreciate, observe, protect and honor Mother Earth. I am a earth sign, so is Gabriel, grounding within nature is something that is needed by my mind and body. For Gabriel, it always calms him down stepping outside. Scarlett is a air sign and like her daddy can spot the smallest detail from far away, like a bird stalking or hunting for food. She's always the first one to spot the most beautiful things. One of our obsessions is...MUSHROOMS! They are simply fascinating. We have done a lot of research to identify the different types we spot on our nature walks. Here you go... Volvariella volvacea- "Patty Straw Mushroom" Edible   *Be cautious because these are easily confused with the Death Caps, which are extremely deadly* Cantharellus cibarius- "Chanterelles" Edible *Be cautious they are e...

The United States of America

United States of America How to make state flags! Here is the work book and the flags of the states starting with the letter "A" Alabama-AL Alaska-AK Arizona-AZ Arkansas-AR Supplies: sticks of your choosing, we used locally sourced driftwood for our neighborhood park construction paper (8.5in x 5.5in), we used white so we could color everything colored pencils or crayons your glue of choosing, we used elmers school glue scissors How to: Leave an inch (depending on your stick it could only be .5in) of space from the left margin uncolored so you can wrap the paper around your stick and glue to the backside of the flag. Make sure its tight so glue adheres to the stick and to the paper. Write down any information you think it necessary and fun facts on the back of your flags! Using the work book Here is a snapshot of the title page. We drew a line from CA to Ok to show the path we took when we moved here. It helped to ...

Math Help!

Strategies for Math (being resourceful) Use a number line Scarlett went straight to adding 3 or 4 (I wrote the number line so she could visualize the number sequentially) Use a number line and your fingers Scarlett first learned how to add with her fingers, when all numbers can fit anyways :) Re-use seeds and K-cup pods! We collected and dried seeds from the cherries we got at Sprouts, I don't like the idea of using uncooked food for us to put our hands all over 😖 Now we don't buy the one use K-cup pods, but they were on SALE, and I knew exactly what we were gonna use them for, MATH fun!  This made adding 7 or 8 so easy for Scarlett!  She is a ROCKSTAR at addition Thank you for reading!

Yoga for Kids

Introduction  to Yoga... for Kids!!    There are a lot of ways to ensure your little one is meeting their physical education criteria. The most important thing is to make it enjoyable and add some variety. I just finished 30 days of a crash course in Ashtanga Yoga. So I have been so excited to teach Scarlett everything I know and continue to learn together. Here are a few poses that are great to start off with: Childs Pose Downward Facing Dog Puppy Pose Silly kitten wanted to play! This was a very interesting workout, I got to learn how flexible Scarlett was and in some incidences not. Please be sure to assist your child and check in with them to make sure nothing is hurting. Yoga should be relaxing but challenging but never ever hurt. Remind your child that their muscles will feel stretched but never pinched. Scarlett's hamstring were pretty tight and it was hard for her to keep her elbows in instead of forcing them out. Have pa...

First Day of Homeschool

First Day of School Nature Walk Scarlett was so excited, she has been waiting for this day a very long time! She had her little brother Gabriel (left) and her younger cousin Ramon there to support her Day 1 Our "Theme" for her first day was Nature, she was also going to be in for a surprise later on in the night! We started our morning with setting our crystal grid up for protection since we were amongst the Sturgeon Moon and for clarity during meditation time! We took our adventure to Swatek Park, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Its our neighborhood park filled with great wildlife. Hunting for Mushrooms: Mushrooms outside our apartment! Same mushrooms later, Scarlett noticed they were much larger. Mushrooms at the park! Observing the Trees: Scarlett spotted a face on this tree. The roots of this tree stretched far! Scarlett felt very moved by these trees, she said if you spin under...